Out of this World - Science Fiction but not as you know it.
Exhibition at PACCAR Gallery, British Library 96, Euston Road, London, England, NW1 2DB
Fri 20 May 2011 - Sun 25 Sep 2011
Free Entry
Using what the library calls ‘hidden gems’ from their collection the exhibitions aims to show Science Fiction as more than a narrow genre but as having links to scientific advance, literary fiction, and philosophy - questions about the nature of reality, what it means to be human -  and how each influences the other. Science Fiction not merely a popular literary form  but a way of and presenting contemporary concerns and offering alternative ideas about human society and it’s future. ( if it has one)
Included are manuscripts, printed books, magazines, fanzines, plus radio broadcasts author interviews, the latest movies and works of speculative fiction  such as Frankenstein,  1984 and  The Time-Traveler’s Wife.

British Library details  http://www.bl.uk/ where there is also a fun thing to do with E-mail 'postcards'.

Follow ups -
In 1983 Italian artist and designer Luigi Serafini produced Codex Seraphinianus - an encyclopaedia of an imaginary world, written in an imaginary language. More at  http://www.archimedes-lab.org/Serafi/C_serafini.html

Amazing Stories covers -  http://www.philsp.com/mags/amazing_stories.html

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