TINTIN: Hergé's Masterpiece, Somerset House 12 November 2015 – 31 January 2016 Daily 10.00-18.00 (last entry 17.15) Late night Thursdays & Fridays until 21.00 (last admission 20.15) from Friday 13 November Terrace Rooms, South Wing Free admission Tintin is one of the most iconic comic-strip heroes. With a his trusty dog Snowy, Tintin has worldwide sales of more than 200 million copies of the 24 albums. The exhibition covers the evolution of the artwork of Hergé, from the early newspaper strips to the work of the later books. Drawing on the archives of the Hergé Museum in Belgium, the exhibition features pencil sketches, character drawings, and watercolours alongside original artwork from the finished stories plus models of memorable locations from the books. https://www.somersethouse.org.uk/visual-arts/tintin Images here do not necessarily appear in the exhibition.

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