A well know London based book and comic store is currently offering for sale original artwork of mine drawn for Look-in Magazine in the ‘80s.

When Look-in was due to close artist were invited to come to the office to collect any of their artwork stored there. I never got that message. My artwork was subsequently sent to IPC as the new owners. Copyright issues meant none of my work was republishable. A while later I learned all this and contacted IPC who returned two or three pages of my work and, for some reason, two of Bill Titcombe’s. I passed those to him.

In the Fine Art world there is a system of provenance whereby potential sellers are required to prove their rightful ownership. Comic book art and cartoons carry no such responsibility. If this suggests to you that I am accusing someone of theft, there is some justification for that suspicion. Many pages of mine had just gone missing.

All long ago and nowt to be done about it.

Not so strongly felt as to keep me awake nights but even so, harbouring ill-will and holding a grudge for long past events is no doubt bad for my Karma  - but then, nobody’s perfect.

Images - Danger Mouse, Jimminy Cricket, The A-Team.

all copyrights  acknowledged

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