This is not some kind of obsession of mine but this site - - was drawn to my attention. Along with the comment 'some of these are rather clever'. Which is a bit of an understatement. They are extraordinary displays of technique and commitment. Although appreciative of the skills involved my problem is I keep thinking of a quote attributed to 'Gulley Simpson', the artist character created by Joyce Cary in his novel 'The Horse's Mouth'. Gulley, driven by his need to create, begs, steals and borrows materials and space to do his own thing. I read the book long ago in the '60s but one line has stayed with me. Recalling his early days as an accomplished realistic artist he says it is " . . like farting Annie Laurie through a key hole. It may be clever but is it worth the trouble." I don't wish to diminish the abilities required to make this kind of image and the fact that the above quote stuck with me probably says more about me than about the artists involved. ( There seems presently to be a problem with creating links from here. Apologies. If you want to see the site I guess you will have to search for it. )

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