I had a good day and it very much looked as though so did everybody else. Folk from all generations with a shared history and interest made for a remarkable atmosphere. Ben Smith, Head of Books and Publishing at Rebellion, seemed a little awe-struck at the realisation of what an effect 2000AD had had on so many. It was good to be able to put faces to email senders, say hullo to friends long unseen and chat with strangers. Took some egotistical delight too in a cos-player dressed as the Satan from the Anderson story. I was told shortly before February 11th that nowadays it is OK for artists to draw sketches in the privacy of their homes to take ready-made to the event. Initially shocked by the idea - having thought the performance was part of a duty owed to the fan - the idea it had its attractions for the self conscious. I bought a small sketch book and did a few drawings. Which was just as well since on the day, with the queue length and limited time during which I had a chair and a table, it would have been difficult to do much for anybody. Asked to sign something then asked if I could or would do a sketch, I could point to my sketch book and say here are some I prepared earlier. Being asked 'how much?' was unexpected. Do fans expect to pay for sketches now? Do artists charge? It has been a while since I last went to a comic related get-together. I took it that the appearance of us creators at an event was to show our appreciation of, and to, the comic buyers that funded our wages. I can see that if buying sketches is now the norm it is probably fair to suppose that artists might find the idea has its appeal. I didn't think to sell sketches but had considered bring a collection box from The Children's Trust and suggesting a donation, thinking to go home with a tin full of change. There was no collection box but I did explain there was no fixed price but any money would go to charity. Long story short, I went home with £425. On behalf of The Children's Trust, for children with brain injury, thank you all very much. The people in line when I was signing were not only charming, intelligent and good-looking, but also generous.

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