Be Magnificent: Walthamstow School of Art 1957-1967 William Morris Gallery, Lloyd Park, Forest Road, London E17 4PP 9th June - 10th Sep 2017 An exhibition celebrating a particular place and time. "Walthamstow School of Art cultivated some of the most influential creative talent of the 1950s and 60s. Leading names in art, fashion, music and film studied and taught here – including Pop Artists Peter Blake and Derek Boshier, musician Ian Dury, filmmakers Ken Russell and Peter Greenaway and fashion designers Celia Birtwell, Marion Foale and Sally Tuffin. The exhibition will explore this radical era at the School; showing the early work of these seminal artists and designers and revealing how they were encouraged to explore their creative imagination- taking art and culture in radical new directions." This was my art school and time. Seems they would have it that I was there as part of something culturally significant. Who knew? Some of the folk featured, considering their life styles at the time I knew them, I am pleasantly surprised to find are still alive. There are associated workshops and stuff the details of which the organisers have chosen to scatter over various websites of variable helpfulness. with links to events and youth programme. Things to do.… Here you will find an article about the college and some of its staff and students. To which I would like to add some names that have meaning for me. Student Joe Snowden whose energy, commitment and courage was an influence on many. His early death was a big loss. Tutor Derek Hirst who was alone in advocating thinking and learning about painting. An intellectual with a love of the raw matter of painting. A young woman tutor, a really good painter, whose name I regret, escapes me, but taught me more about drawing than anyone else ever did. July 21st. Some pictures have been added. I was contacted by fellow Walthamstow student Laurie Lewis. Now a celebrity photographer of celebrities Laurie was kind enough to send some pictures he took at the time we were sharing an art school. Apart from owning a camera at the time Laurie also has, unlike me, a very good memory for names.

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