One of the perks of writing or drawing comics is that you get free issues whenever your work appears. By fortunate coincidence one frame of mine appeared in the 300th issue of Judge Dredd Megazine thanks to artist Siku ( thank you Siku, I am flattered) choosing ‘Satan’ a personal favourite story from the comics twenty years of publication. The 300th issue is as good if a little fatter as the other 299 but mentioned here because of the cover - I loved it. Front and back it is the work of Cliff Robinson of whose drawing I have long been an admirer for its draughtsmanship, line, detail and design. It is easy to believe the Rocket Boots and Wall Walker worn by the threatening perp would work and wonderfully their depiction suggests an untold background story of how he got to where he can confront Dredd in the Law library. Both pieces of equipment are made by ACME, who used to supply Wiley Coyote with his Roadrunner hunting technology. Look-in’s Danger Mouse was an occasional customer too. The drawing is attributed both to Cliff Robinson and Dylan Teague whom I suppose did the computer colouring. I have voiced reservations about computer colouring but this is so good as to force a rethink. Even with its added light and shade it does not hide the great line work. Am now wondering if the line work too was done on computer but, traditionalist as I tend to be, it doesn't matter either way - it looks terrific.

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