In the book Look-in, Best of the 80s I am reported by Graham Kibble-White and co-author Alistair McGowan as ‘chipping in’ to a conversation between Colin Shelbourn and the writer. The phrase conjures up a chummy get-together of the four of us. It never took place. A short conversation I had with Mr Kibble-White was on the telephone. The ‘chipping in‘, depending on your viewpoint, is a literary conceit, editorial license or a misleading fiction. The piece also twice refers to me as chuckling. I don’t chuckle often - who does ?- and I doubt I did much during the call as I took the opportunity to ask questions about the whereabouts and ownership of artwork* I had done for Look-in.
Apart from that my quote-marked reported speech in the piece is almost in my own words.

*No information on the subject was forthcoming on that occasion but Mr Kibble-White said he would get back to me. He never has.
The 'Les Dawson is Superflop' page credited to me on page 32 of  The Best of  Look-in. the Seventies,  is in fact by Bryan Lewis.

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