Walter Hugh McDougall (February 10, 1858 – March 6, 1938)

McDougall was an American cartoonist  McDougall was an American cartoonist and one of the earliest creators  of the full colour newspaper comic strips and regular political cartoons for American daily papers including New York World and The North American.

He has been called the first syndicated cartoonist for his contributions to the weekly columns of humourist Bill Nye. In May 1893 his was the first cartoon in an American Newspaper to be printed in colour.

. A year later, 2 February 1894, his collaboration with cartoonist Mark Fenderson, 'The Unfortunate Fate of a Well-Intended Dog', became the first colour comic strip in an American newspaper May 1893

 He drew children's comic strips, including Queer Visitors from the Marvellous Land of Oz  written by L. Frank Baum.

His books include The Hidden City (1891) and The Rambillicus Book (1903). Good Stories for Children, 1902-05.

Happened on this site - - and felt a certain kindred with the wish to draw non existent creatures

All copyrights acknowledged


Submitted by Alan on Sat, 2023-05-13 21:06


There's some great stuff to be found in the depths of that Monsterbrains site. I'd never seen these, though - fantastic stuff; thanks for highlighting them !

Submitted by Alan on Sat, 2023-05-13 21:24


Just checked and the page wasn't seem to be there, - then found you were missing a second 'l' in 'McDougalls' in your link.


I found that one by searching for 'Walt' on the homepage. Do you mind me asking where you find the colour images ?

(Incidentally, the 'Walt' search throws up some other very interesting material - down beneath McDougalls Good: .

Not as charming as your find, though)

No need to post this one, Arthur - just wanted to pass on the corrected link in case anyone else was interested and didn't find it, and thought you might like the other stuff as well. Cheers !

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