
in this time of division there are voices urging we listen to other points of view rather than contesting them.With this in mind I read internet histories of vaccination and the anti-vaccination movement that accompanied them.
Mystery strip

28/01/2021 Two folk have contacted me to ask about this page of my work, curious about when and for whom it was published.
I don’t know. Somehow it was overlooked when making up the bibliography.
Juliet November

Making her first appearance in 2000, the year and the comic, Juliet November is a pyrokinetic - she can start fires with her mind. As presented by her creator John Wagner in prog 1189 titled 'Pyrotechnic'. her control over her ability is intermittent.

In the internet discussions about comic page frames, how to use them and how they are read, arrows are used to indicate where the eye goes. The idea being that the artist can determine the route the readers eye will take over the page. Well good luck with that.
Priya and the pandemic

Priya is India’s first female superhero. Created by writers Ram Devineni and Vikas Menon and illustrated by Dan Goldman, . .
R.I.P Richard Corben

RIP Richard Corben
1/10/1940 - 2/12/ 2020
Richard Corben was comic book artist, animator, illustrator and publisher best known for his horror and fantasy stories. These included work in Creepy, Eerie, Vampirella, Métal Hurlant , Heavy Metal Magazine, and his series Den, from his own publishing imprint, Fantagor Press.
R.I.P Quino (Joaquin Salvador Lavado)

RIP Quino (Joaquin Salvador Lavado)
17th July1932 – 30th September 2020
Quino was an Argentine comics artist best known for his award winning series 'Mafalda' (1964-1973). Mafalda is a little girl who worries about and questions the state of the world and those who govern it, The comics reprints are still bestsellers.
Sound effects

Having recently come across comics using ‘sound effects’ in an interesting manner I had thought to write something informative about them. Checking the internet to find out when background sound was first represented in comics I found it hardly necessary as there existed many informative, learned even, and often long, articles on the subject. I shall be brief.
Anderson – Powrot Do Szambali

13/11/2020 Rebellion opublikowało polskie tłumaczenie czterech opowiadań Sędziego Andersona,
Deutscher ‘Button Man’

05/11/2020 Panini hat eine deutsche Übersetzung von Button Man - The Killing Game veröffentlich
Young Cartoonists of the Year Competition

19/10/2020 The deadline is fast approaching to enter the British Cartoonists’ Association Young Cartoonists of the Year Competition,
Tantra- enlightenment to revolution

28/09/2020 This British Museum exhibition includes sculpture, painting, prints and ritual objects from India, Japan, Nepal, Tibet, and the UK, dating from the seventh century AD to the present.
Tantra is a religion based philosophy originating in medieval India. Its ideas and beliefs influenced both Hinduism and Buddhism.
Rok on a roll

21/009/2020 Rok of the Reds is a crowd funded comic illustrated by Dan Cornwall, colours by Abigail Bulmer, and produced by Alan Grant and John Wagner ( each with credits too many to list). Rok, its titular hero. is an alien hiding out on Earth who becomes enamoured of the game of football. A cross then between Spawn and Roy of the Rovers.
Deed-A-Day Danny

Deed-A-Day Danny , drawn by Hugh McNeil, first appeared as a half-page black and white strip in The Knock-Out Comic No.1, dated March 4th 1939. Later retitled Knockout Comic the publication ran until 16 February 1963. Deed-a day Danny, promoted to the front cover in issue 15, lasted until 1954.
The Out

06/09/2020 The Out is a strip that has been running in 2000AD since Prog2187 June 24th.Written by Dan Abnett, illustrated by Mark Harrison, lettered by Annie Parkhouse. And all doing a grand job.
I hope Annie Whitehouse is being paid an above normal page rate for what is a very wordy script. Very wordy in this case not a complaint since the words, like the art, are charming. If charming seems like an unusual word to use for a space opera this is an unusual space opera.
Fletcher Hanks

Being a sucker for the different I was much taken when I first came across Fletcher Hanks. The first comic book artist to write, pencil, ink and letter all of his own stories Hanks worked in comics from 1939 to 1941.
More words

There is a kind of drawing referred to as ‘comic book’. There is also a kind of writing that might deserve the same description since it consists of combinations of words that would exist in no other literary form. Here some examples. Love this stuff for its evocative, unique and innocent nature.,
Wisconsin Funnies: 50 Years of Comics

10/08/2020 Exhibition at the West Bend Museum of Wisconsin Art and at Saint Kate — The Arts Hotel in Milwaukee.
The exhibition covers the major themes, innovations, and publications that characterize the state's contributions to comic culture both Mainstream and Alternative.
R.I.P. Denny O’Neil

Dennis ‘Denny’ O’Neil. May 3rd 1939 – June 11th 2020
Having written about comics Denny O’Neil contributed his first stories to DC.in 1968. In 1970 he and artist Neal Adams saved Batman. From a time when Batman featured stories in which he was pestered by a Bat-Mite imp, threatened with outsize domestic appliances and where the Joker had a ‘Sky-Sled’ they created the grittier gutsier Batman, the Dark Knight of Gotham City we all know and shudder at today.
Gary Larson in the net

Gary Larson’s cartoon set ‘The Far Side’ was syndicated in almost 1,900 daily newspapers from 1980 to 1995.
New look

I don’t imagine anyone will be as excited by the new site as I am, but here it is.
Not just a different in appearance the up-dated site should load more quickly, run faster and be simpler to navigate.
It will also give the ability to properly view and use the site on mobile devices such as tablets and phones, with adaptive fonts that adjust to the screen resolution of the site it is viewed on
Button Man anybody?

If anyone is still interested, I’m kind of weakening myself, it was October 2019 the last time a Button Man Netflix movie was mentioned here. It is not something that keeps me awake nights but some small flicker of interest was shown at the last mention, so, for those who might still care . . . .
Lock-down relief

With comics un-available from shops Rebellion, with its reputation for good works, their commitment to boredom elimination and with their major characters embodying neighbourliness and community service, have stepped up to soften the blow by presenting some on line.
You can sign up at -