British Folk Art

British Folk Art : The House That Jack Built
Tate Britain: Exhibition
10 June – 31 August 2014
The British Folk Art exhibition will be touring to Compton Verney from 27 September 2014 to 14 December 2014 . . .
more...Al Feldstein RIP

Al Feldstein 24th October 1925 - 29th April 2014
Artist, writer and editor.
Al Feldstein was a ground breaking comic book editor. He edited seven titles during his time at E.C. Comics while writing the majority of their stories. He went on to edit Mad magazine, greatly increasing its circulation.
Outsider Art

The Whitworth Art Gallery have acquired and are showing parts of The Musgrave Kinley Outsider Art Collection. The term 'Outsider Art' or 'Art Brut' was introduced to me as signifying art works by lunatics and criminals but seems now to include work by any creator outside the art establishment of colleges and galleries.
Comics Unmasked

See what they have done there? Unmasked. Revealed, explained (scripts, sketches and artwork included ) and as an alternative to dual identity superhero comics.
And at the British Library no less. There's respectability.
Featuring the usual intellectually approved but also mainstream and underground stuff too - even includes a selection of sex related comics with Parental guidance warning - the exhibition looks at British comics from 1825 to the present.
RIP Alan Davie

Alan Davie.September 28th 1920 - April 5th 201
An early appreciator of New York's Abstract Expressionism Alan Davie was initially influenced by the drip paintings of Jackson Pollock. In the early 1960s he developed a growing interest in mythology, 'magic symbolism' and the religious art of pre-industrial cultures and ancient civilisations.

Having for some reason taken to heart the imperative to post something about something at weekly intervals I am struggling presently to find time to do that. Also aware that news of comic book world events and excitements have been thin on the ground. Looking at John Freemans website prompted a deep sense of shame.

Below is English version from which the following translation was made.
最近このサイトは日本語、商業サイトへのリンクを含むコメントの非常に多くの受信者をされています。2 つを削除する、または 1 日 3 回。私は可能性があります描画されたり、バブルのシューティング ゲームをプレイするときそのような無益な家事に時間を費やすの退屈でいくつかの恨みがあります。
More real

This is not some kind of obsession of mine but this site - - was drawn to my attention. Along with the comment 'some of these are rather clever'. Which is a bit of an understatement. They are extraordinary displays of technique and commitment.
Although appreciative of the skills involved my problem is I keep thinking of a quote attributed to 'Gulley Simpson', the artist character created by Joyce Cary in his novel 'The Horse's Mouth'.
Pete Seegar RIP

Pete Seegar. May 3rd 1919 - January 27th 2014
We shall overcome
Last night I had the strangest dream
Where have all the flowers gone
Button Man Movie - Part Two.

As part of the ongoing story of trying to get a comic book translated into movie form, John Wagner and I have now signed a contract that gives the option to do that to RINGTHEJING ENTERTAINMENT embodied in Roger Kass. He will act as producer.
Producers, and I quote, select and bring together the key members of the movie making team, including Director, Cinematographer, Production Designer and key cast members. They raise the finance from a major studio or from independents. Producers also approve locations, studio hire, final script, production schedule and budget.
Fact File No 5

An occasional series.
The first comic strip was by Rudolphe Töpffer. (Jan 31st 1799 - June 8th 1846)
Comic strip here defined as an illustrated narrative using sequential drawings and text.
Found no examples of Töpffer using speech balloons.
Writers in both Britain and the USA have made claims for their own nations innovators. It is possible the Japanese also have an argument with the first recorded use of the word 'manga' dating from the 1770's.

(Non-Czech readers should scroll down for the English text from which the following translation was made.)
Aniž by se příliš technická , webové stránky mají něco , aby mohli vědět, kolik návštěv se dostat každý den , a odkud . Je tu další věci , vše má pomoci obchodníkům , kdo ohodnotí svých stránkách efektivitu prodeje , ,
Photorealism exhibition

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
November 30th - 30th March
This first European retrospective of art by American artists painting everyday Americana with photographic realism. With work from the 1960s to the present day.