20/01/2023 Una copia de la edición en español de Mazeworld llegó a mi correo esta mañana, es de tapa dura y las mismas dimensiones que en su aparición en 2000AD.
Hace mucho tiempo que lo dibujé y hace tiempo que no veo una copia.
Mirándolo ahora, creo que puedo decir 'eso realmente no está mal' a mi yo más joven.

Espero que estés de acuerdo.


A copy of the Spanish edition of Mazeworld arrived in my post this morning, It is hardcover and the same dimensions as in its appearance in 2000AD. 
It was some good long time ago that I drew it and I have not seen a copy for a while.
Looking through it now I think I can say ‘ that’s really not bad’ to my younger self.

Hope you agree.

I agree 100%. Not only it's a great story by it's own merits, artistically you did an excellent job, it was my first introduction to your work and I was incredibly impressed by both the page layout and the world design. A graphic novel that I enjoy rereading frequently.




Submitted by Arthur on Mon, 2023-01-30 21:26


Hullo Joan,

many thanks.

I gave Alan Grant some problems when we first discussed the thing but he did do a great job. It was a challenge and a pleasure to work on.

Take care.




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